Pure Light Studios has been a domain name I’ve used for about two decades. Originally, inspired by theatre, I eventually applied it to an attempt at freelance web design through college and shortly after.
We haven’t actually operated as a business since sometime in 2016. I keep this website up as a placeholder. I currently maintain a Christian blog at HumblePray.com and NullifyAbortion.org.
Glory to God
As a Christian-owned and operated business, we strive to honor God with our business. As such,
- Our business does not operate on Sunday
- We recognize God’s authority over our business and our lives
- Our Christian faith influences every aspect of our business
- We participate in projects which are compatible with our convictions and beliefs
This is the Gospel:
Bad News
- All human beings have sinned, rebelled against God’s law
- The penalty of violating God’s law is eternal death and separation from God
- You are incapable of doing enough good things to save yourself
Good News
- Jesus Christ, the Son of God, lived a perfect life and died for our sins
- After three days, Jesus rose from the dead and now reigns in heaven
- If you turn away from your sins and believe in Jesus Christ, you will be saved from your sins and given eternal life with God